STL Repair for a Successful 3D Printing with SpaceClaim
Preparing 3D models for printing can be time consuming, inefficient, and costly. Even then, success rates for 3D printing are lower than expected.
SpaceClaim’s STL Prep for 3D Printing module allows users to repair, prepare, and edit faceted files to ensure a successful print. Features include:
Direct editing of faceted models
Full-blown modeling capabilities that allow for fast model creation and editing
Diagnostic feature called "Check mesh" to look for openings or inverted normals in the model
Autofix tool that repairs many of the problems found with the model
Shell tool to save material costs
Split models for better printing, adding pins, lips, mortise, or joints as needed
If you want to learn more about how SpaceClaim can accelerate your 3D printing process, check out our page here: