Build bigger! The rules and challenges of building large metal AM parts (Webinar 29.10.2021)

Bigger metal parts are increasingly necessary to meet the demands of today’s market. Sophisticated products comprised of seamless, large AM parts are the future in numerous industries, and advancements in the Aerospace and Energy industries, among others, are only possible due to the increased capacity of AM equipment. However, building larger parts presents unique design and production challenges, even when compared to the use of metal AM for small or medium-sized parts. A robust and reliable machine platform, a complete powder management solution, optimized AM-oriented part design, proven build parameters and efficient scanning strategies are required for the highest quality and productivity. During this webinar, our application engineer and our guest will present the rules and challenges related to the printing process of large metal AM parts and how to master it with GF AM solutions. Agenda: - Introduction on Market and Trends (5') - Application expert guidelines (30') - Case studies with AMotion Center Stabio (15') - Open questions (10')






