Forge Partner Talks: Data & Analytics - AI, Power BI, and more

Discover some of the innovative dashboards our top Forge partners have built using AI and BI tools (including Power BI), and see how these types of solutions can help you better visualize your data, draw insights, and be more profitable. Featured panelists: Nicola Migliore, Product Development Manager at BLogic s.r.l, shares their VCAD for Power BI solution, a software that integrates and connects the world of BIM and the world of Business Intelligence. Stuart Maggs, CEO of Scaled Robotics, sharse the construction analytics core of the Scaled Robotics solution and how they leverage AI to achieve it. Josh Girvin, CEO of O3 Solutions, demonstrates how O3 Solutions is providing real-time project status in 3D virtual construction models using the Forge Viewer and predictive analytics to drive course correction and continuous improvement.






