High Cycle Fatigue of AISI 4140
09.01.2023 · Rosswag ·
10 million load cycles and more for fatigue testing of #Metal #3Dprinting Q&T steel AISI 4140 ????
Recently, we figured out the transition to the commonly known fatigue limit for our AISI 4140 / 42CrMo4 / 1.7225 samples produces by LPBF. The defined limit was set to 10 million load cycles.
The fatigue limit turned out to be located in the range of 725 to 750 MPa for our flat bending samples and a stress ration of R=-1. In the next step, we'll do a retest with additional samples to refine and validate the fatigue limit.
Benefits of our flat bending fatigue testing for thin-walled #MetalAM specimen
☑️ Testing according to DIN 50142-2019 @ 50 Hz
☑️ Mulitple bending stress conditions adjustable
☑️ Full Wöhler test cycle possible in about 6 weeks with 30 samples
???? Browse our extensive material database: https://www.rosswag-engineering.com/metal-3d-printing-materials
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