NanoOne 2PP 3D Printing System | UpNano

Where precision meets economic efficiency NanoOne is the fastest high-resolution 3D printing system on the market. It is based on multiphoton lithography and combines the precision of 2-photon polymerization with an unmatched throughput of up to 450 mm³ per hour. This makes the system suitable not only for scientific research approaches and multi-user facilities but also for the batch and small series production of industrially applied microparts. NanoOne is the fastest high-resolution 3D printing system on the market. It is based on multiphoton lithography and combines the precision of 2-photon polymerization with an unmatched throughput of up to 200 mm³ per hour. Heralding a new era of 3D printing. The slogan Small - Fast - Powerful is reflected in every NanoOne printing system and in every application it enables. The technology creates new possibilities in several fields of application, from micro-optics and medtech to microfluidic and cell research applications. More than 600 high-end components and optical trickery, packed into a compact desktop machine makes this possible. The Design reflects the innovative spirit and value of the system in every centimeter. As the NanoOne combines high-tech with maximum user-friendliness and versatility. The choice of objective magnification determines the resolution. The four standard objectives of the NanoOne, enable the precise fabrication of polymeric parts from the nanometer and micrometer to the centimeter range. From classical 2PP applications starting with 150-170 nanometer fine lines up to centimeter sized functional components. The manufacturing range of the system amazes and bridges the gap between 2PP and µSLA systems. UpNano relies on deep-in free printing processes. This is an approach that offers several advantages. One of them being the possibility to print 40mm high parts using the vat mode. A material vat is placed above the objective and serves as a material reservoir, the material and the high-precision optics are never in direct contact. The focusing accuracy remains maintained. The build platform of the NanoOne is designed for the use of standard microscope inserts, underlining the versatility of the system. An elaborate process in combination with different resolutions and materials creates an unimaginably wide range of applications. Whether classic photopolymer, non-fluorescent or black material, all are optimized to utilize the full potential of the ultrafast high-resolution NanoOne printing systems. Resins are supplied in resealable cartridges and can be dispensed into the material vat. The design of the print job as well as the parameter assignment is done via the user software Think3D. Intuitiveness and productivity are again the focus, the integrated 3D viewer shows the current print job layout. Predefined print profiles can be used for the print parameters as well as individual settings can be specified. During the printing process, two integrated cameras provide live images of the current print. The printing process that proceeds inside the machine is an extraordinary interplay of hardware, software and material. The Vat printing mode not only enables unmatched component heights, but also production times. A printing rate of up to 200m³ per hour is unparalleled to date. During printing, the object is drawn up out of the material vat. The distance between the current print layer and the objective thus remains constant. And so does the resolution. The integrated LED status bar provides visual feedback on the progress of the print job. The bar lighting up signals the end of the job. Resulting in a fully polymerized part that requires no post-processing by UV or temperature. After removal of non-polymerized material by alcoholic developer solution, the part is ready to realize new applications.






