Psittacosaurus sibiricus - Duplicating a dinosaur skeleton via 3D printing
21.02.2017 · voxeljet ·
In December 2017, the temporal exhibition “Siberian Psittacosaurs” was opended in the Orlov Paleontological Museum in cooperation with Kemerovo Oblast Museum of Regional History and Folklife. The object of interest is a unique skeleton of a Siberian dinosaur, found during excavations by the Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. The process of prototyping & assembly during project presents a unique combination of advanced technologies & traditional handicraft.
Our Russian Partner Ostec took part on the preparation of the exhibition “Siberian Psittacosaurs”. Parts of the skeletons with the highly complex geometry had been scanned first and afterwards printed in Ostec center for pattern parts production. Voxeljet´s 3D-Printer VX500 matched high requirements on accuracy and building volume. The decision to print parts in PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylat) was also influenced by the flexibility in painting & processing of final parts.
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