Dual-3d-printing with Multex2Move - lead screw multex2move
This lead screw with the nut was printed dual in one print by our new Multex2Move Extruder - a patented oozing free dual- and quad-extruder.
now available on kickstarter with super early bird prices:
Thanks to an elaborate mechanism, the unused nozzles of the new four-color extruder Multex4Move are retracted behind a cover and only the active nozzle is brought into the operating range. Hereby it prevents molten plastic from dripping out of the unused nozzles and onto the printed object and disfiguring the printing result. Before switching to another nozzle, it is first cleaned before being put into the operating range to prevent possible impurities.
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The Multex2Move soon will be available on kickstarter, if you wan´t to be informed about the progress or the kickstarter campagne, please subscribe to our newsletter:
The printed parts can be downloaded here: